BIPSCC Compliance

What is the Battering Intervention Provider Standards Compliance Council (BIPSCC)?


The BIPSCC is a multidisciplinary group of volunteers that includes representation from probation, parole, battering intervention programs, judges, and victim service The BIPSCC Committee is composed of members of the BISC-MI Board. They meet monthly to review correspondence, new applications and renewal applications.

You can reach the Committee at

The BIPSCC is endorsed by the following Michigan organizations:

What is BIPSCC Compliance?

Battering intervention service providers operating in the State of Michigan who meet the Michigan standards for battering intervention services are eligible for BIPSCC-Compliance.

What are the benefits of BIPSCC Compliance?

  • During the time that you are BIPSCC-compliant, your program name and contact information will be easily accessible on the BISC-MI website to anyone who wants to make referrals in the communities you serve.
  • You will have an advantage over programs that are not listed as compliant, since many agencies and courts will not refer anyone to battering intervention programs unless they are ensured that the program is following Michigan standards. Only those who follow a paper review of Michigan standards will be BIPSCC-compliant.
  • You will receive notification of training opportunities available in your field, so that you can stay up to date with best practices, new intervention strategies, and take part in networking opportunities.
  • You will be kept current on the accreditation process as it evolves and have the opportunity to provide feedback that will assist the BIPSCC Council in meeting the long-term goal of ensuring the availability of quality battering intervention services in Michigan.

How do I get BIPSCC Compliance?

Fill out and submit the Application available here along with an initial $100.00 application fee or the annual renewal fee of $50.00. Use this link each year to renew.  Details for payment are found on the last page of the application. The BIPSCC Committee will review applications once a month. Those who meet all requirements are given BIPSCC-Compliance. If your application needs clarification, or you need to make policy changes, the Committee will contact you. When you meet compliance standards, you will receive a letter notifying you of this, and a certificate that is good for one year.

All applications must be saved as a WORD document and submitted electronically, to The Committee will NOT accept PDF versions or paper applications.

How long is BIPSCC Compliance good for?

BIPSCC-Compliance is valid for one year and must be renewed annually. Renewals require filling out a new application, providing updated information as outlined in the application, and payment of a $50.00 renewal fee.

Do I have to join BISC-MI to apply for BIPSCC Compliance?

No. BISC-MI Membership and BIPSCC-Compliance are two separate processes. Some BISC-MI members have BIPSCC Compliance, while others do not.  You can receive BIPSCC-Compliance without a BISC-MI membership.

What if I have a concern about any programs that are currently BIPSCC-Compliant?

The BIPSCC Compliance is a based on a paper review process. If you have a concern or complaint with a program on this list we suggest that you contact the battering intervention program directly. If your concerns involve safety issues for a domestic violence or stalking survivor, we encourage you, and/or the survivor, to contact a victim service program for support and safety planning.

For a list of survivor programs in Michigan go to:

What if I have more questions about BIPSCC-Compliance?

For more information, download the BIPSCC Fact Sheet.

A presentation is also available for review from 2009, when BIPSCC first went live: Spring Training BIPSCC Power Point.

Visit the list of BIPSCC Compliance Programs and Providers

Phone inquiries please call: 734.707.7550.

Please email liability insurance, application and training documentation, and send email inquiries, to the Committee at:
US Mail Contact:  Do not send your application, liability insurance or trained documents through US Mail. Please send those documents via the email to the address listed above.
Please consider making payments online.

If payment can only be made by check, please mail payment to this address:
P.O. Box 131374
Ann Arbor, MI 48113