Archived Minutes From The Oregon Tri-County Batterer Intervention Provider Network Meetings

The Tri-County BIP Network is an informal organization of individuals who either work with abusive men or are interested in issues related to working with abusive men. Here you can find nearly 20 years of minutes taken from the monthly meetings. The minutes cover a range of topics related to domestic violence and abusive partners.

Discussion TopicLinkTags
Navigating Batterer Intervention and DV during COVID-19Click to Viewcoordination,modality,pogram structure,
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Batterer intervention/abusive menClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum,partner safety,
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Batterer intervention ExerciseClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum,partner safety,
Prejudice Towards and Oppression of Cultural Groups in the U.SClick to Viewcultural issues,privilege,research
Prejudice Towards and Oppression of Cultural Groups in the U.S presentationClick to Viewcultural issues,privilege,research
Techniques to Increase Empathy in Abusive PartnersClick to Viewempathy building,techniques,curriculum,confrontation,
Stalking PresentationClick to Viewforensic,abusive behavior,assessment,curriculum,techniques,
Trauma in Abusive PartnersClick to Viewmental health,assessment,adjunctive services,
Abusive Partners who are FathersClick to Viewparenting,children,partners,program structure,techniques,
Responsivity Issues and How to Modify Programs for ClientsClick to Viewforensic,program structure
Risk of DV RecidivismClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,macro,coordination
Working with Muslim ClientsClick to Viewcultural issues,macro,resources
Attachment Disorders in DVClick to Viewresearch,assessment
Survivor Impact Panel PresentationClick to Viewresearch,partners,resources,coordination,empathy building,
Key Aspects of Group WorkClick to Viewmodality,program structure,techniques
Latino Clients and Cultural HumilityClick to Viewcultural issues,program structure
Smart Home Tech and DVClick to Viewabusive behavior,curriculum,confrontation
Family Court ReferralsClick to Viewforensic,coordination,macro,program structure
DV Assessments: Challenges and CautionsClick to Viewforensic,assessment,macro,coordination
BIPs and ProbationClick to Viewforensic,coordination,macro
Responsivity IssuesClick to Viewforensic,program structure
Confrontation and Resistant ClientsClick to Viewconfrontation,techniques,denial,accountability
Mental Health Issues in Group MembersClick to Viewmental health,therapy,program structure,coordination,adjunctive services
DV Trends and ChangesClick to Viewresearch,macro
Neurobiology of TraumaClick to Viewresearch,mental health,adjunctive services
Barriers and Encouragers to Making ChangeClick to Viewaccountability,program structure,confrontation,techniques
Peer Networks of Abusive MenClick to Viewcurriculum,program structure
What is “Success” in Our Field?Click to Viewcoordination,macro
Sexual orientation, Identification, and Lifestyle Click to Viewcultural issues
Multi-modal Work with Abusive PartnersClick to Viewprogram structure,resources,adjunctive services
Criminalization of DVClick to Viewmacro,forensic,coordination
Macro Issues and Interventions in DVClick to Viewmacro,coordination
Trauma Informed CareClick to Viewprogram structure,research
Financial Challenges of Doing This WorkClick to Viewmacro,program structure,coordination
EPICS PresentationClick to Viewresearch,risk,assessment,forensic,coordination
EPICS, RNR, CPC and Evidenced Based Correctional Tools Click to Viewresearch,risk,assessment,forensic,coordination
Self-CompassionClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum
Common Qualities of Abusive MenClick to Viewassessment,macro,socialization
Level of Service/Case Management InventoryClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,resources,coordination,research
Level of Service/Case Management Inventory handoutClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,resources,coordination,research
Conference Debriefings on Batterer and Sex Offender interventionClick to Viewresearch,macro,program structure,cultural issues
Financial ChallengesClick to Viewmacro,program structure,coordination
Shifting Our Focus Away from Physical AbuseClick to Viewabusive behavior,macro,program structure,curriculum,accountability
Culturally Specific Programs, Issues, and Cultural Humility Click to Viewcultural issues,macro,program structure,coordination,resources
DV in Our Own Professional CommunityClick to Viewmacro,coordination
Orlando Shooting DiscussionClick to Viewcultural issues,mental health,macro
CofaciliationClick to Viewprogram structure,confrontation
Secrecy versus PrivacyClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum
Beyond Batterer InterventionClick to Viewmacro,coordination,adjunctive services
Women Who Are Mandated to BIPsClick to Viewfemale abusive partner,partners,socialization,macro,coordination
Vicarious TraumaClick to Viewprogram structure
Sexual Abuse by Abusive PartnersClick to Viewabusive behavior,curriculum,confrontation,denial,accountability
Sexual Abuse and DV Offenders HandoutClick to Viewabusive behavior,curriculum,confrontation,denial,accountability
AccountabilityClick to Viewaccountability,curriculum,confrontation,program structure,denial
Short Term Verses Long Term Partner SafetyClick to Viewpartners,risk,program structure,advocates,coordination,macro
Classification System for DV arrestsClick to Viewassessment,forensic,program structure
National PerspectivesClick to Viewresearch,macro,program structure
Partner ContactClick to Viewpartners,coordination,advocates
MRT-DV PresentationClick to Viewresearch,program structure,curriculum
MRT-DV PresentationClick to Viewresearch,program structure,curriculum
Arrest Classification & DVClick to Viewassessment,forensic,program structure
Social Media and DV PerpetrationClick to Viewmedia,resources,curriculum
No-Contact OrdersClick to Viewforensic,coordination,partners
Secrecy versus PrivacyClick to Viewcurriculum
Low Risk Abusive MenClick to Viewassessment,program structure
Social Networks of Abusive MenClick to Viewcurriculum,research
Social Networks of Abusive Men: ReportClick to Viewcurriculum,research
Effective Group FacilitationClick to Viewprogram structure
Multimedia in Men’s GroupsClick to Viewmedia,resources,curriculum
Risk Iinformed Treatment PlanningClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,program structure,techniques
Risk Informed Treatment handoutClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,program structure,techniques
Life After GroupClick to Viewaftercare
Working with High Risk and/or Psychopathic AbusersClick to Viewassessment,techniques,risk,forensic,coordination
Techniques to Hold Abusive Men AccountableClick to Viewdenial,confrontation,techniques,accountability
Trauma Informed CareClick to Viewresearch,program structure,techniques
Pro-social Sexual AttitudesClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum
Why Doesn’t Batterer Intervention Get More Respect?Click to Viewmacro,coordination
Alcohol & Drug Use and Abuse in DV PerpetratorsClick to Viewsubstance abuse,curriculum,techniques,program structure
Participants Who Struggle to Complete GroupClick to Viewforensic,coordination,program structure
Cultural Competence, Sensitivity, and Humility Click to Viewcultural issues,macro,program structure,techniques
DV Among Combat VeteransClick to Viewcultural issues,macro,techniques
Suicidality among BIP ParticipantsClick to Viewmental health,assessment,risk,coordination,program structure
Tapping the Wisdom of AdvocatesClick to Viewadvocates,coordination,macro
Evidence Based Practice Benefits and DownfallsClick to Viewforensic,macro,research,program structure
The Engaging Men ProjectClick to Viewmacro,socialization,coordination,resources
Men’s Rights MovementClick to Viewmacro,male victims,coordination
Pro-Violence Messages in the MediaClick to Viewmedia,media,techniques
Risk AssessmentClick to Viewcultural issues,assessment,risk,forensic,macro
Social Media and Abusive BehaviorClick to Viewmedia,abusive behavior,techniques,macro,risk
Working with Victim AdvocatesClick to Viewadvocates,macro,coordination
Parenting Issues With Abusive MenClick to Viewparenting,curriculum,children
Effective ConfrontationClick to Viewconfrontation,techniques,denial,accountability
Length of TreatmentClick to Viewprogram structure,macro
Risk/Needs/Responsivity Model: What Can We Learn From Sex Offender TreatmentClick to Viewrisk,assessment,research,program structure,forensic
Working with Men from Different CulturesClick to Viewcultural issues,program structure,techniques
Men’s Use of Religion in GroupsClick to Viewcultural issues,accountability,techniques,confrontation
Contact Between Providers and PartnersClick to Viewpartners,program structure,advocates,coordination
Peer AssociationsClick to Viewrisk,curriculum,assessment,forensic
Collaboration with DHS-Child WelfareClick to Viewcoordination,macro
PolygraphsClick to Viewassessment,forensic,resources,risk,adjunctive services
Polygraph PresentationClick to Viewassessment,forensic,resources,risk,adjunctive services
Female PerpetratorsClick to Viewfemale abusive partner,male victims,socialization
Coordination with Victim AdvocatesClick to Viewadvocates,coordination,macro
International BIPs OverviewClick to Viewmacro,resources
Completion RequirementsClick to Viewprogram structure,forensic,coordination
Evidence Based Forensic PracticesClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,research,program structure
International BIPsClick to Viewmacro,coordination,research,program structure
Establishing Good Working Relationships with Victim AdvocatesClick to Viewmacro,coordination,advocates
Mental Health IssuesClick to Viewmental health,assessment,adjunctive services,risk
Co-ed Co-FacilitationClick to Viewprivilege,socialization,program structure,macro
Alcohol and Drug UseClick to Viewsubstance abuse,techniques,curriculum,program structure,assessment
Boys Advocacy and MentoringClick to Viewsocialization,macro,resources
Self-Awareness TechniquesClick to Viewtechniques
Evidence Based Practice in the Sex Offender FieldClick to Viewresearch,program structure,techniques,coordination
DV Surrogate DialogueClick to Viewpartners,empathy building,resources
Effectiveness of Batterer InterventionClick to Viewmacro,research
Corporal Punishment and DVClick to Viewchildren,parenting,curriculum
Interpersonal Neurobiology: The Impact of TraumaClick to Viewmental health,techniques,research
Pornography Use Among Abusive MenClick to Viewmacro,abusive behavior,assessment,curriculum
Couples Counseling with Late Stage Abusive MenClick to Viewcouples counseling,aftercare,adjunctive services,modality
DV EvaluationsClick to Viewassessment,forensic
Social Justice, Community Activism, and Batterer Intervention Click to Viewmacro,socialization
Neurobiology of Aggression and ViolenceClick to Viewresources,assessment,mental health,research
Work Related IPVClick to Viewresearch,abusive behavior,socialization
Pros and Cons of Offering Blended BIP and Substance Abuse GroupsClick to Viewmodality,substance abuse,program,structure
John Gottman OverviewClick to Viewcouples counseling,techniques,resources,curriculum,research
BIP_Workplace_Report_2009.Click to Viewresearch,abusive behavior,coordination
Female PerpetratorsClick to Viewfemale abusive partner,macro,socialization
Specialized Groups for Criminally Oriented MenClick to Viewassessment,forensic,risk,program structure
Combat Vets in Batterer InterventionClick to Viewassessment,program structure,techniques,cultural issues
Levels of Treatment for Domestic Violence PerpetratorsClick to Viewprogram structure,coordination
Reporting Probation ViolationsClick to Viewforensic,coordination,macro,program structure
Qualifications of Mental Health Professionals Necessary to Address DV IssuesClick to Viewmacro,coordination,therapy
Economic Downturn StressesClick to Viewtechniques,risk,curriculum
Family Safety A Significant Concern for Returning Veterans and Their FamiliesClick to Viewabusive behavior,mental health,partner safety,cultural issues
AftercareClick to Viewaftercare,program structure,techniques
StalkingClick to Viewabusive behavior,risk,assessment,forensic,research
Attachment IssuesClick to Viewassessment,program structure,research
Short Term Anger ManagmentClick to Viewmacro,coordination,assessment,mental health,therapy
Couples CounselingClick to Viewaftercare,couples counseling,partners,coordination,macro,therapy
Outreach to Non-Mandated MenClick to Viewcoordination,program structure,techniques,macro
Mandatory Reporting RequirementsClick to Viewcoordination,macro,forensic
Motivational InterviewingClick to Viewtechniques,confrontation,program structure,denial
Trauma and Neuropsychological Development HandoutClick to Viewmental health,resources,assessment,program structure,techniques,research
Female FacilitatorsClick to Viewsocialization,program structure
Outreach to Non-mandated Abusive MenClick to Viewcoordination,program structure,techniques,macro
Role PlayingClick to Viewtechniques,program structure,curriculum
Gender Symmetry in DVClick to Viewmale victims,female abusive partner,macro,socialization,research
Differences Between Anger Managment and BIPClick to Viewmacro,therapy,coordination,mental health
Dialectical Behavior TherapyClick to Viewresources,techniques,assessment,therapy,curriculum
Dialectical Behavior Therpy PresentationClick to Viewresources,techniques,assessment,therapy,curriculum
Sexual Abuse by Romantic PartnersClick to Viewabusive behavior,parenting,techniques,curriculum,
Examining the Larger Social Context of DVClick to Viewmacro,socialization,coordination
Workplace ViolenceClick to Viewabusive behavior,macro,coordination,research,
Workplace IPV hand outClick to Viewabusive behavior,macro,coordination,research,
Evidence Based Practices 03.21.06Click to Viewprogram structure,techniques,forensic,coordination,research,
Risk AssessmentsClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,research
Couples CounselingClick to Viewcouples counseling,macro,coordination,therapy
Coordination with Victim AdvocatesClick to Viewcoordination,advocates
TerminationClick to Viewprogram structure,aftercare
DenialClick to Viewdenial,techniques,curriculum,confrontation,accountability
Use of Self-Disclosure in GroupsClick to Viewtechniques,program structure
Working With Non-Court Mandated MenClick to Viewmacro,techniques,program structure
Sexual Abuse and the Sex IndustryClick to Viewabusive behavior,macro,coordination,curriculum
Elder AbuseClick to Viewabusive behavior,coordination,curriculum
Psychological Issues in Abusive MenClick to Viewmental health,assessment,adjunctive services,therapy
Non-compliance.issuesClick to Viewforensic,assessment,techniques
Alcohol & Drug abuseClick to Viewsubstance abuse,adjunctive services,risk,curriculum,program structure
Post Program SupportClick to Viewprogram structure,aftercare,adjunctive services
Anger EvaluationsClick to Viewassessment,macro,mental health
DV in the Extended FamilyClick to Viewpartners,assessment,socialization
ShameClick to Viewdenial,curriculum,shame,accountability,confrontation
Experiential ExercisesClick to Viewtechniques
Impact of BIPS on the PartnersClick to Viewpartners,coordination,macro
Typology of Abusive MenClick to Viewresearch,assessment
Economic AbuseClick to Viewabusive behavior,techniques,curriculum,accountability,confrontation,denial
Power and Control Issues Among ProvidersClick to Viewtechniques,macro,privilege
Staying Sensitive to the Experience of VictimsClick to Viewpartners,advocates,empathy building,coordination
Early TraumaClick to Viewmental health,techniques,adjunctive services,
Personality DisordersClick to Viewmental health,risk,adjunctive services,assessment
ClassismClick to Viewprivilege,cultural issues
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and BatteringClick to Viewmental health,techniques,research
Working with Abusive Men Who View Their Partners as Being AbusiveClick to Viewtechniques,partners,empathy building,
Risk and Lethality AssessmentsClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,research
Risk and Lethality Assessment IssuesClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,research
Techniques to Address Religion in DVClick to Viewcultural issues,techniques,abusive behavior
The Larger Social Responsibility of Batterer Intervention ProvidersClick to Viewmacro,coordination
Role of Probation vs ProvidersClick to Viewforensic,coordination,macro
Non-Domestic Violence: How Do We Work With ItClick to Viewassessment,program structure
Issues in Male-Female Co-FacilitationClick to Viewprogram structure,techniques,privilege
Program Relationship with VictimsClick to Viewpartners,macro,advocates,coordination
Talking with Men Who Have Been in BIPsClick to Viewmacro,aftercare,program structure
AmendsClick to Viewtechniques,partners,curriculum,aftercare
Sex AbuseClick to Viewabusive behavior,techniques,curriculum,accountability,confrontation,denial
Post Batterer Intervention Couples CounselingClick to Viewpartners,therapy,aftercare,couples counseling
Working with Men from Non-Dominant culturesClick to Viewcultural issues,techniques
Videos We Use in Batterer Intervention GroupsClick to Viewmedia,resources,curriculum
9_11 as a Teaching ToolClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum
Using Psychotropic Medications with Abusive MenClick to Viewcoordination,mental health,adjunctive services,research
Abusive Men who Present as Victims of AbuseClick to Viewmale victims,confrontation,beliefs,techniques
Homophobia , Sexism and DV Click to Viewcultural issues,macro
ConfrontationClick to Viewdenial,techniques,confrontation,accountability
Parenting SkillsClick to Viewparenting,children,techniques,curriculum
Christian Men and DVClick to Viewcultural issues,program structure,coordination,macro
Working with African American MenClick to Viewcultural issues,coordination,macro,program structure
When Should No Contact Orders Be Lifted?Click to Viewforensic,coordination,risk,partners
Gender of the Faciiltator DynamicsClick to Viewprogram structure
SARA TrainingClick to Viewassessment,forensic,resources,risk,research
Mental Health IssuesClick to Viewassessment,mental health,adjunctive services,coordination
Addressing Our Own Power and Control IssuesClick to Viewmacro,coordination,privilege
Partner ContactClick to Viewprogram structure,partners,risk,victim safety,advocates
Shame, Guilt, and Accountability Click to Viewshame,techniques,accountability,curriculum
Psychopharmacology and Violence PreventionClick to Viewcoordination,adjunctive services,research
How BIPs can be Good Allies to Victim AdvocatesClick to Viewadvocates,coordination,macro,program structure
Maximizing Victim SafetyClick to Viewvictim safety,risk,advocates,program structure
Oppression and SexismClick to Viewmacro,techniques,cultural issues,curriculum
Deferred SentencingClick to Viewforensic,coordination
Intake ProceduresClick to Viewassessment,program structure
Mental Health Issues in Abusive MenClick to Viewmental health,socialization,coordination,adjunctive services
Vocation or Social Activism?Click to Viewmacro,coordination,program structure
Divorce, Visitation,and.Custody Click to Viewchildren,parenting,forensic
Development of a Universal Screening ToolClick to Viewassessment,macro
EmpathyClick to Viewempathy building,techniques,accountability,curriculum
Boundaries Between BIPs and ProbationClick to Viewcoordination,forensic
Techniques to Increase Awareness and EmpathyClick to Viewtechniques,empathy building,accountability,confrontation,curriculum
Coordinated Community ResponseClick to Viewcoordination,macro
Risk and Lethality AssessmentsClick to Viewrisk,assessment,forensic,research
Children Who Witness DVClick to Viewchildren
What Works in Batterer InterventionClick to Viewtechniques,curriculum,modality
Children and DVClick to Viewchildren,empathy building,curriculum
Role of Victim Advocates in BIP workClick to Viewcoordination,advocates,partners
Parenting and Perpetrators of DVClick to Viewparenting,curriculum,partners,children
Creating a Safe Space in MeetingsClick to Viewcoordination
Male Privilege and EntitlementClick to Viewprivilege,curriculum,beliefs,macro,cultural issues
Relapse PreventionClick to Viewrisk
Batterers vs Non-batterersClick to Viewabusive behavior,techniques,assessment
Group Modality HandoutClick to Viewmodality,therapy

Tag Definitions


Abusive behavior-Topics that focus on specific types of abusive behavior


Accountability-Helping group members take responsibility for themselves and their choices


Adjunctive services-Additional possible services beyond the program


Advocates-Individuals who specifically work with and advocate for the abused partners


Aftercare-Services offered after leaving a group


Assessment-Evaluating or assessing aspects of the participant including risk, co-occurring issues and appropriateness for treatment


Beliefs-The larger world views driving abusive behavior


Children-Material related to the children of group members and/or their partners


Confrontation-Material related to challenging and changing group members’ thinking and behavior


Coordination-Communicating and working with other aspects of the community outside of the agency


(Counseling)– See therapy


Couples counseling-Topics that touch on the role of couples counseling


Cultural issues-Topics related to addressing specific demographics


Curriculum-Specific concepts taught in groups


Denial-Ways of not being fully honest with themselves or others


(Economic abuse)-See abusive behavior


Empathy-Increasing group members’ understanding of and care for others


Female abusive partners-Women who are abusive


(Financial abuse)-See abusive behavior


Forensic-Anything related to the criminal justice and/or child welfare system


(LGBTQ)-See cultural issues


Macro-Larger systems that drive or respond to abusive behavior beyond the intervention program


Male victims-Men who are abused


Media-Outside material used in the group such as videos, audio, photos, and articles


Mental health-Topics related to psychological functioning


Modality-The particular format being used to provide services


Parenting-Content focused on parenting


Partner safety-Topics focused on directly addressing and considering the safety of the partners of group members


Partners-Material related to the partners of the group members


Polygraph-Topics related to the role and use of polygraphs, also known as lie detectors


Privilege-Addressing various forms of privilege


Program structure-Anything related to the larger structure of the program/agency


(Relapse)-See aftercare


Research-Empirically based presentations


Resources-Additional resources available in the larger community


Risk-Prediction of the likelihood of certain behaviors recurring


(Sexual abuse)-See abusive behavior


Shame-Topics related to addressing shame


Socialization-Topics related to how individuals internalize larger social values


Substance abuse-Addressing issues related to the abuse of substances and artificially mood-altering experiences


(Survivor)-See partner


Techniques-Specific skills and tools to be used in facilitating groups


Therapy-Topics related to the provision of psychotherapy


(Typology)-See assessment


(Victim)– See partner.  Note that victims may also include former partners or others such as children or other family members.


(Victim advocates)-See advocates





If you have any questions,

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the Tri-County

Batterer Intervention

Provider Network