BISC-MI’s 13th Annual Conference
September 17, 18, 19, 2008
Conference Capacity is 400
Conference Description: Men who perpetrate domestic violence are often willing to violate the law feeling justified when it comes to issues related to their children by invoking the sanctity of “fatherhood.”
The BISC-MI 2008 Fall Conference will focus on shifting the paradigm from blaming battered mothers to emphasizing the importance of developing programs and practices that promote and expect men who batter to be responsible and loving fathers. This includes respectful and honorable interaction with the children’s mother.
This cutting edge conference offers the expertise of nationally recognized faculty with over a century of combined years of experience. Presenters will share studies, tools, theories, concepts, books, and curricula to assist those working with men to understand the intersection between fatherhood and battering. There will be opportunities to discuss intervention and programming strategies and network with others who intervene with fatherhood issues and domestic violence.
Dr. David Adams |
Dave Mathews |
Juan Carlos Arean |
Dr. Fernando Mederos |
Jacquelyn Boggess |
Lisa Nitsch |
Eusebus Ekere |
Johnny Rice II |
Dr. Ed Gondolf |
Roger Steffy |
Matthew Grimes |
Lee Taft |
Julie Johnson |
Dr. Rich Tolman |
Juanita Jones |
Dr. Oliver Williams |
David Mandel |
$95.00 BISC-MI Member*
$180.00 Non Member*
Before August 15, 2008
$135.00 BISC-MI Member*
$220.00 Non Member*
*After August 8, 2008 all fees above increase by $50.00
The conference rates include the following meals:
three continental breakfasts, three lunches, and one dinner.
We are able to offer this conference at this reduced rate to Michigan residents, or those whose primary place of business is to deliver service in Michigan, due to funding from the Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board.
To find out more about becoming a BISC-MI member go to: BISC-MI Membership
Room Rates will be
$65.00 for a double or a single!
from your conference registration, rooms at this rate are limited
CLICK HERE TO: Use this form to register and get the discounted rate!
For Information on Logding Call:1.800.678.4111
Visit online at: Shanty Creek Resorts
Beautiful Northern Michigan at Shanty Creek Resorts
Bellaire, Michigan
The closest airport is in Traverse City.Additional options for flight include flying into Detroit Metro and Lansing airports
Passageways Travel in East Lansing, MI.
at 517-351-1080 or toll free 800-968-2236
If you need ground transportation to and from the Airport to Shanty Creek Resorts
please contact Peaty at
517.655.2655 or
2008 Conference Agenda
Wednesday, September 17th
7:30a.m.-8:45a.m: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45a.m-9:00a.m: Welcome
9:00a.m-1030a.m: Plenary 1: Setting the Stage for Dialogue, Faculty:Oliver Williams
10:30a.m.-10:45a.m: Break
10:45a.m.-12:15p.m: Plenary 2: Panel:Cultural Perspective on Fatherhood and Batterer Intervention Faculty: Juan Carlos Areán, Fernando Mederos and Johnny Rice
12:15p.m.-12:30p.m: Break
12:30p.m.-1:30p.m: Lunch
1:45p.m.-3:15p.m: Breakout Workshops
Breakout A1: When is it Appropriate to Cover Fatherhood Information in a Batterer Intervention Session? Faculty: Lisa Nitsch and Dave Mathews
Breakout A2: Collaboration Between DV Advocates and Fatherhood Service Providers in Low Income Communities, Faculty: Jacquie Boggess
Breakout A3: Batterers’ Perceptions of their Children’s Exposure to their Violence, Faculty: David Mandel
Breakout A4: Fathering After Violence: Guidelines and Tools for Batterer Intervention Programs, Faculty: Juan Carlos Areán
Breakout A5: Talking To Fathers About What Children Need From Them, Faculty: Fernando Mederos
Breakout A6: Setting a Better Example: Teaching Fathers to Model Respectful Behavior Toward Their Children’s Mother,Faculty: David Adams
3:30p.m.-5:00p.m: Breakout Workshops
Breakout B7: Engaging Fatherhood Groups to Take a Stand on Ending Men’s Violence Against Women, Faculty: Johnny Rice, Lisa Nitsch
Breakout B8: Shifting the paradigm: Addressing batterers who are fathers in the child welfare system, Faculty: David Mandel & Fernando Mederos
Breakout B9: Safety Issues of Not Putting BIP Work Into Fatherhood Programming, Faculty: Dave Mathews
Breakout B10: Setting Parameters for Your Role in BIP and Fatherhood, Faculty: David Adams and Juan Carlos Areán
Breakout B11: Child Support and Paternity Laws, Faculty: Jacquie Boggess
Breakout B12: Constructing a Process for Collaboration Between Parents After Violence, Faculty: Oliver Williams
6:30p.m.-8:00p.m: Conference Provided Dinner
Thursday, September 18th
7:30a.m.-8:30a.m: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00a.m.-8:30a.m: BISC-MI annual membership meeting/elections
8:45a.m-9:00a.m: Opening: State of the State
9:00a.m-10:30a.m: Plenary 3:I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours: Dialogue Between BIP and Fatherhood Groups, Faculty: Oliver Williams- Moderator, David Adams, Johnny Rice, Dave Mathews and David Mandel
10:30a.m.-10:45a.m: Break
10:45a.m.-12:15p.m: Plenary 4:What’s All the Fuss?Faculty: Lisa Nitsch, Jacquie Boggess and Johnny Rice
10:45-12:00p.m: Proud Fathers Proud Parents (PFPP) Meeting(Open only, and required for PFPP)
12:15p.m.-12:30p.m: Break
12:30p.m.-1:30p.m: Lunch
1:45p.m.-3:15p.m: Breakout Workshops
Breakout C13 and C19: (Open only and, required for PFPP), Faculty: Oliver Williams and David Mandel
Breakout C14: An Innovative Program Blending BIS and Fatherhood, Faculty: Roger Steffy, Matthew Grimes and Juanita Jones
Breakout C15: Are You Ready For A Partnership? Faculty: Jacquie Boggess and Lisa Nitsch
Breakout C16: Speed Chat with Faculty, Faculty: Johnny Rice, Fernando Mederos and David Adams
Breakout C17: Parenting in the Aftermath of Violence in the Home, Faculty: Dave Mathews
Breakout C18: The Languages of Forgiveness, Faculty: Lee Taft
3:30p.m.-5:00p.m: Breakout Workshops
Breakout D19 and D13: (Open only and, required for PFPP) Faculty: Oliver Williams and David Mandel
Breakout D20: Predisposing Childhood and Adult Relationship Factors for Men Who Kill their Intimate Partners, Faculty: David Adams
Breakout D21: Culture and Class Considerations For Engaging Men , Faculty: Fernando Mederos
Breakout D22: Speed Chat with Faculty, Faculty: Dave Mathews, Jacquie Boggess, Lisa Nitsch and Johnny Rice
Breakout D23:The P.A.U.S.E. (Pause…Assess…Use…Skills…Effectively) Workshop: Tools For Defusing Resistance and Engaging Clients, Faculty: Julie Johnson
Breakout D24:Beware of Remorse,Faculty: Lee Taft
Dinner on your own
Friday, September 19th
7:30a.m.-8:30a.m: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45a.m.-9:00a.m: Welcome
9:00a.m.-10:30a.m: Plenary 5: The Controversies of BIP Effectiveness,Faculty: Ed Gondolf
10:30a.m.-10:45a.m: Break
10:45a.m.-12:15p.m: Plenary 6: New Directions: Risk Assessment and Ongoing Case Management,Faculty: Ed Gondolf
12:15p.m.-12:30p.m: Break
12:30p.m. -1:30p.m: Lunch
1:45p.m.-3:15p.m: Breakout Workshops
Breakout E25: Preventing “Fathers-To-Be” From Becoming “Abusers-To-Be,” Faculty: Rich Tolman
Breakout E26: Speed Chat with Faculty, Faculty: Dave Mathews, Jacquie Boggess, Lisa Nitsch, Johnny Rice, Oliver Williams, Fernando Mederos and David Adams
Breakout E27: The P.A.U.S.E. (Pause…Assess…Use…Skills…Effectively) Workshop: Tools For Defusing Resistance and Engaging Clients, Faculty: Julie Johnson
Breakout E28: How We Punish Mothers by Having Low Expectations of Fathers: Implications for Policy and Practice, Faculty: David Mandel
Breakout E29: The 3 Rs: Recruit, Retain, And Create Responsible Fathers, Faculty: Eusebus Ekere
Breakout E30: An Innovative Program Blending BIS and Fatherhood, Faculty: Roger Steffy, Matthew Grimes and Juanita Jones
3:30p.m.-4:30p.m: Wrap up, Door Prizes and certificates
Any opinion, findings, recommendations or conclusions, expressed by any author(s) or speaker(s) do not necessarily reflect the views of BISC-MI.
BISC-MI reserves the right to substitute a qualified instructor or topic due to unforeseen circumstances.
Cancellations received before August 15, 2008 are refundable less a $50 administrative fee.
No refunds will be given after August, 15, 2008.
Substitutions may be made.
- Agency Administrators
- Counselors
- Probation Officers
- Agency Clinical Supervisors
- Crisis Intervention Counselors
- Prosecutors
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors
- Department of Corrections Staff
- Psychiatrists
- Anyone interested in Fatherhood issues
- Department of Human Services Staff
- Psychologists
- Batterer Intervention Staff
- DV Service Providers
- Psychotherapists
- Case Managers
- Friend of the Court staff
- School Counselors
- Case Workers
- Judges
- Social Workers
- Child Advocacy Staff
- Law Enforcement
- Survivor Services
- Clergy
- Magistrates
- You!!!
- Clinical Nurse Practitioners
- Parole Officers
ADA or ASA: If you require ADA or ASA accommodations, please contact BISC-MI at least 4 weeks before the conference begins so that arrangements can be made.