reverberations conference materials

Plenary #1: Domestic Violence and the Media, Dr. Jackson Katz

    1. Men_Masculinities_and_Media
    2. 10_Things_Men_Can_Do

Additional resources from Jackson Katz, Jackson Katz’s web site.  See “Workshops/Trainings” for free handouts, “Publications” for online versions of some of Dr. Katz’s articles, and “MVP Playbooks” for info. on how to order MVP materials., The web site of the Media Education Foundation.  MEF produces and distributes Dr. Katz’s videos, along with those of Jean Kilbourne, Sut Jhally and many others.  They also distribute Byron Hurt’s videos.  Katz is the creator of Tough Guise and is featured in Wrestling With Manhood, Spin The Bottle, and M is for Misogyny.  Study guides and transcripts of all these videos are free and available online at this site., This is the web site of Dr. Katz’s organization, MVP Strategies.  It contains useful information about the philosophy and methods of the MVP model, as well as a list of MVP’s accomplishments since its inception in 1993., Go to this site and type in “Jackson Katz” for a listing of Dr. Katz’s pieces on masculinities, media and politics.,This is the site of the pioneering media literacy lecturer and author Dr. Jean Kilbourne, creator of the Killing Us Softly series on media images of women and co-presenter with Katz on Spin The Bottle., This is filmmaker and activist Byron Hurt’s web site, where there is more information about Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhyme, and Hurt’s latest projects.

Futures Without Violence, Dr. Katz and his colleagues collaborate with the Fund’s “Coaching Boys Into Men” program.

Jackson Katz’s book The Macho Paradox:  Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help was published by Sourcebooks and is available at; also check local bookstores.

Packaging Boyhood by Brown, et. Al
Brian Lamplam:
“Learning Culture Through Sports”

Plenary #2: Domestic Abusers at Work: Impact and Solutions, Johnny Lee

  1. Abusers_at_Work_BISCMI Conf
  2. ME_2004_DVOffenderReport
  4. The Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence: A National Resource Center
  5. ABA Commission on Domestic Violence: American Bar Association- Laws, Resources, Legislation
  6. Ramsey County PH- Workplace Resource: Training program, awareness material and more
  7. Legal Momentum: Workplace Resources Legal help – Laws, Resources, Legislation
  8. Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence -Coalition of employers- very helpful and extensive resource listing
  9. FVPF – Workplace Resources
  10. Place to order their training materials, Free videos and more: Futures Without Violence: Workplace: Workplace Resources
  11. RSS Feed – “dv cases” via Peace at Work

Greetings,And thank you for your interest in the program.  You can check it out at:

It is a digital download from the web and you just need to unzip it. If you don’t have a zip program, there are plenty of free ones on the web (I can help if need be). To describe the contents, I have attached a pdf but if you need any help with that or have questions, we can call or net meet to go over the program.

Please disregard the invoice information as I am offering this for free to conference attendees.

If you do plan to do some training or produce an conference, let me know and we can talk so I can tell you about my experiences doing them.

Finally, I can send you recent, relevant cases in your area that you can use in your presentations.

Thanks so much for doing this important work.   It is very important for victims to have employment safe from violence and termination due to the abuse.

Peace, to you and yours,

Johnny Lee

How To Use The Toolkit

Plenary #3: Animal Abuse: Research, Policy, and Treatment, Dr. Kenneth Shapiro

    1. PowerPoint Presentation



Plenary #4: Transforming Batterer Intervention Programs into Domestic Violence Solution Centers, Dr. Etiony Aldarondo

  1. Aldarondo_TransformingBIPintoDomesticViolenceSolutionCenters

Plenary #5: Unraveling the Web of “The D.C. Sniper”, Mildred Muhammad
To order a signed copy of Mildred’s book:

Additional resources:


Plenary #6: Understanding Batterers Through the Eyes of a Child, James E. Henderson Jr.

  1. Henderson PowerPoint Presentation

Plenary #7: Bullying and Domestic Violence: Exploring the Links, Rus Funk

  1. FUNK_bullying_and_DV
  2. Rus Funk website
  3. MensWork:  eliminating violence against women
  4. Respect for All, a Project of Groundspark
  5. MenEngage

Plenary #8: The Role of Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention in Employment-based Fatherhood Programs, Jacquelyn Boggess

  1. Center for Family Policy and Practice

Plenary #9: Understanding Domestic Violence from The Bench, Hon. Steven D. Aycock (RET.)

  1. Aycock PowerPoint Presentation
  2. The Role of Judges in Understanding a Batterer’s Use of Violence in Co-Occurance Cases
  3. Balancing the Risk and Safety Needs of Domestic Violence Victims
  4. Publications from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Family Violence Department
  5. In Her Shoes Exercise referenced during the presentation
  6. Doing The Work Measuring The Progress

Plenary #10: Domestic Violence Agencies and the Military Services: Working Together to Analyze and End the Violence, Debby Tucker

  1. Tucker PowerPoint Domestic Violence and the Military Serviices
  2. Manifestations of Violence UPDATED.pdf
  3. PowerControlwheelNOSHADING
  4. MilitarycontrolwheelNOSHADING
  5. AdvocacywheelNOSHADING.pdf
  6. CommunityAccountwheelNOSHADING\
  7. Contin. of Caring Wheel_Ft. Campbell.pdf
  8. DTFDVStrategic Plan – DV Prevention Conceptual Model.jpg
  9. KCSDV Appropriate Sanctioning of DV Crimes
  10. NCDSV_DVandSA Resources_purple_Oct2010

Plenary #11: Elder Abuse: Forms, Causes and Possible Legal Remedies, Linda Dawson J.D.

  1. Linda_Dawson_BISC-MI_Elder Abuse_PPT Handout
  2. Linda_Dawson_BISC-MI Conference Handouts

Plenary #12: Coaching Men and Boys; An Important Element of Community Prevention Initiatives, Coach Joe Ehrmann

    1. Erhmann_Parade_Article
    2. Erhmann_CFA-3198_Overview102809
    3. Ehrmann_CFA-3198_Testimonial111009
    4. Erhmann_CFA_ISO.Brochure_09_Print
    5. You can now pre-order Joe’s InSideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Lives

Available from Simon & Schuster on August 2nd!