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when men murder women

In the United States and Great Britain, 20-30% of all homicides involve the killing of a woman by a man. In When Men Murder Women, Dobash and Dobash – two seasoned researchers and longtime collaborators in the study of violence against women – reveal what they learned from a three-year study that included 866 homicide case files and 200 in-depth interviews with murderers in prison. They focus on intimate partner murder, sexual murder, and the murder of older women, and compare each of these three types with those in which men murder other men. Each type is examined in depth and detail in a separate section that begins with an overview of relevant research, and is followed by a comprehensive examination of the murder event and the lifecourse of the perpetrators. There has never before been a comprehensive book that has covered the entire scope of homicide cases in which men murder women. The result is this essential text for students, professionals, policy makers, and researchers studying violence, gender, and crime.
More information about the book at,, or your local bookstore.

This book is an unprecedented and monumental work destined to become a classic in homicide research. The authors do a beautiful job of synthesizing official record data, case file material, and interviews with men who murdered women in Great Britain. This book is an invaluable resource for mental health professionals, lawyers, judges, and upper level students who want to understand the life circumstances, motivations, and thinking patterns of men who kill their intimate partners, those involved in sexual murders, and those who murder older women and how these murderers differ from men who kill other men.” Kathleen M. Heide, PhD, Professor of Criminology, University of South Florida, Author, Understanding Parricide: When Sons and Daughters Kill Parents.

This book breaks important new ground in the breadth and depth of its analysis of intimate partner homicides and how these compare to other kinds of homicides. The authors repeat their tradition of careful and compassionate scholarship that brings new insight to academics and anyone else who is concerned about how and why crimes are committed, and how they can be prevented. The book breaks new ground by comparing homicides of women with homicides of men, and in so doing, bringing new understanding of the motivations, characteristics and life histories of the men who commit these murders.” David Adams, EdD, Co-Director, Emerge, Author, Why Do They Kill? Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners

Beginning with the 1979 publication of their classic Violence Against Wives, no one has shed more light on men’s violence against women than Rebecca and Russell Dobash. For the past ten years, they have been conducting research of unprecedented breadth and depth on the most extreme variety, femicide, and in this ghastly and essential new book, they report what they have learned about the stunning brutality and banality of the men who kill women.” Martin Daly, PhD, FRSC, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, McMaster University, Canada, Co-author with Margo Wilson, Homicide.


alliance for hope international

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cheering for the children

Cheering for the Children
Casey Gwinn
Cheering for the Children is a clarion call to all caring people to become cheerleaders for children exposed to trauma and abuse. Author Casey Gwinn, former elected San Diego city attorney and a leading domestic violence professional, explains why childhood trauma should be the preeminent public health issue in America today and how we can all help change the lives of children for the better. In this compelling and well-documented book, Gwinn maps out the massive costs and lifelong consequences of unaddressed childhood trauma through the internationally recognized Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and other critical research. Then, using his own personal journey through trauma, lessons learned from leading experts across the country, and poignant real-life anecdotes from survivors, he provides the big strategies and small, practical steps that every parent, grandparent, mentor, caring community member, and policymaker can take to make a difference in the lives of their own children and the hurting children of America








Violent No More:

Helping Men End Domestic Abuse

Author: Michael Paymar


Violent No More is for men who have struggled with or are currently being violent in an intimate relationship. Filled with real stories of men who have harmed the ones they love and found the courage to change, this highly acclaimed book has helped thousands acknowledge and reform their abusive… more


ISBN 9780897936651

Imprint Hunter House

Category Self-Help





The Future of Batterer Programs
Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice
Edward W. Gondolf

A critical assessment of the research related to batterer programs with recommendations for heightened engagement of men, ongoing risk management, and better coordination of courts and services

Batterer programs are at a critical juncture, with a handful of experimental program evaluations showing little or no effect from the prevailing program approach. This finding has prompted calls to overhaul or replace such programs. Edward W. Gondolf examines batterer research in light of the push for “evidence-based practice” and advocates a progressive evolution of batterer intervention as it currently stands. Cautioning against the call for programs based on a “new psychology,” he argues that current cognitive-behavioral approaches are appropriate for most cases, with the addition of ongoing risk management for severely violent men. Overall, he promotes a broader picture of batterer intervention and advocates better implementation of the basic principles established in the criminal justice field.

Click here for TABLE OF CONTENTS


The Future of Batterer Programs is an excellent book that . . . expands the discussion for those interested more specifically in victim safety and coordinated community response. It is refreshing to read such a non-polemical book in this field, which sometimes tends towards emotional rhetoric.”—Arlene N. Weisz, professor, School of Social Work, Wayne State University

“This book is terrific! It offers both new research and original insights that cannot be found in existing works. The critical examination of the ‘batterer programs don’t work’ mantra is particularly helpful. The book should be a primer for practitioners working with batterer programs and judges, probation officers, advocates, and family service workers will find answers to the questions raised about batterer programs.”—Barbara J. Hart, J.D., Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine


National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

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