2016 International Conference
Dates: November 2-4, 2016
Location: Edward Village Conference Center in Dearborn, Michigan
Please keep checking this webpage as it will be updated throughout the conference
Conference Agenda
Conference Attendee Directory
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
9:00 am The Big Picture: Men and the movements to end domestic violence in social, historical and political perspective
Description: Domestic violence and other forms of interpersonal abuse are not isolated phenomena reflecting the inadequacies and pathologies of “broken” individuals. They are societal and global problems that are rooted in deep institutional structures and beliefs, especially those having to do with gender and power. This session will address the ways in which cultural ideas about masculinity have both contributed to the problem and provide clues to lasting solutions.
Faculty: Jackson Katz
10:45 am Cyber Abuse and Safety/Social Media and DVIP/BIP Work: Overlaps, Outreach, and Concerns
Description: Social Networking sites like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram have become very popular and more sites like these are created every day. Increase your awareness and understanding how perpetrators are using new websites and media platforms to stalk their victims and control partners without being detected. How can BIP/DVIP agencies become more progressive in using social media as a form of outreach to community, to become more connected to others in the field, and to consider the pitfalls of discussing domestic violence in a medium that is not an educational or counseling setting? This portion of the session will explore various kinds of social media, help to develop concrete reasons and goals for using various media, and responses to contentious discussions and inappropriate personal disclosure in online settings.
Faculty: Rachel Gibson and Christopher Hall
- Technology Safety: http://techsafety.org/
- NNEDV Website
- Christopher Hall Presentation
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DVIntervention
- http://prezi.com/lbvoda9wkpz9/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/DVEducationIntervention/
- https://www.facebook.com/centerformandm/
- https://freeforums.net/
- http://www.flamewarriorsguide.com/
1:30 pm Coercive sexting and revenge porn: Understanding electronic communication as a new vehicle for domestic and teen dating violence
Description: Sexting — the transmission of sexually explicit messages, pictures and/or videos between intimate partners — has garnered significant attention in both the popular media and the academic literature. The increased use of technology within adolescent and adult dating/spousal relationships has created new means for communication but also new avenues for the perpetration of domestic violence. Coercive sexting and revenge porn in particular have been identified as emerging forms of partner abuse. This session will provide information on the range of technologies used to send and receive sext messages, how coercive sexting and revenge porn fit within a broader pattern of coercive control, and ways to identify when these tactics are being used.
Faculty: Bryan Victor
- Victor Presentation handout
- snooping-and-sexting-digital-media-as-a-context-for-dating-aggression-and-abuse-among-college-students
- sexting-a-new-vehicle-for-intimate-partner-aggression
- revenge-porn-and-mental-health-a-qualitative-analysis-of-the-mental-health-effects-of-revenge-porn-on-female-survivors
- online-off-line-and-over-the-line-coercive-sexting-among-adolescent-dating-partners
2:30 pm Trauma Informed Considerations and Implications for Intervention: Military and Veterans
Description: The singular and combined impact of attitudes and beliefs underlying the use of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and other forms of violence compounded by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), combat exposure or participation and/ or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on intervention and prevention approaches.
Faculty: Debby Tucker
- Presentation handout
- NCDSV Tab The Military’s Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence: http://www.ncdsv.org/ncd_militaryresponse.html
- NCDSV Battering Intervention Links Page: http://www.ncdsv.org/ncd_linksbattintervention.html
- NCDSV Battering Intervention Publications Page: http://www.ncdsv.org/publications_battintervention.html
- NCDSV Resources Listing
3:15 pm Trauma Informed Considerations: Childhood Influences Impacting Abusive Choices
Description: Balancing an understanding of the effects of childhood trauma on perpetrator accountability is an essential component of effective holistic responsible BIP.
Faculty: Chris Huffine and Oliver Williams
- Agency-Environmental-Components-for-Trauma-Informed-Care-1
- SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach
- Transformation & Trauma: Working From Within
- What is Trauma Informed Care
- Presentation Handout
- Trauma Informed Considerations BISC-MI hand out version
- Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Trauma and Violence in the Lives of Young Black Men
- Understanding Youth Violence in North Minneapolis
- Oliver Williams Presentation Handout
- Healing Hurt People
7:00 pm Aquila Meeting
Thursday, November 3, 2016
8:30 am Morning Welcome: Lori Stone: A Survivors Voice
9:00 am What is the DAIP-Duluth Model…Let’s set the record straight!
Description: Duluth has been both acclaimed and vilified when discussing intervention and programming around the world. This session will clarify what the Duluth Model really is and what core principles guide philosophy and practice.
Faculty: Scott Miller
- The Duluth Model Website
- Presentation handout
10:00 am Engaging Communities
Description: Connecting and communicating with communities is an essential component of effectively addressing domestic violence. This session will explore both the how and why of engaging communities to invest in ending domestic violence.
Faculty: Oliver Williams
11:15 am Working in a Community That Does Not Look Like You: Thoughts From A White Girl in Baltimore City
Description: “There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” This Audre Lorde quote is often called upon when trying to relate to the experiences of survivors, but it is equally relevant when working with those who have been abusive to their partners. This session will review the concept of cultural humility, emphasize its importance and give examples of its practice within the context of abuse intervention programming.
Faculty: Lisa Nitsch
- House of Ruth Website
- Nitsch Presentation
- Participant Feedback Form
1:30 pm Fire and Firewater: Applying an Intersectional framework to BIP Practice
Description: This session will focus on necessity of understanding key issues-including, life experience, trauma, individual/group identities-in providing cultural interventions with men who batter. Drawing from extensive experience, the presenter will specifically apply this approach through exploring the contextual considerations necessary to apply effective, culturally relevant intervention for chemically dependent immigrant/refugee Latino men.
Faculty: Ricardo Carrillo
- Website
- Carrillo Presentation
- Fire and Firewater: A Co-Occurring Clinical Treatment Model for Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, and Trauma
2:30 pm A Muslim Response to Domestic Violence
Description: Focusing on Muslim Men who choose to be accountable and the processes that we prescribe for men who are charged with physically assaulting their intimate partners while misinterpreting the Qur’an and the religion of Islam.
Faculty: Dr. TA Bashir, Dr. Hoda Amine
- Bashir Reference Materials
- Bashir Presentation
- Muslim Code of Behaviour
- Dearborn Domestic Violence Data
- National Declaration by Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Address Violence Against Women
- Cultural-Beliefs-and-Service-Utilization-by-Battered-Arab-Immigrant
- ACCESS Domestic Violence Prevention Program
- Arab Americans An Integral Part of American Society
- 100 Questions and Answers About Arab Americans
- Dearborn, Michigan A Tale of 2 Cities
- U.S. Muslims: Where? How Many?
3:45 pm What’s Faith Got To Do With It?
Description: A look at how faith informs and transforms men who are abusive. Two perspectives on identifying and using faith to understand and intervene with men who are abusive.
Faculty: Chris Moles & JR Thicklin
4:45 pm How Working with Women Who Use Force and LGBTQ Abusers Challenges and Improves Our Work with Heterosexual Batterers
Description: “One size does not fit all.” This session will explore the commonalities of working with both LGBTQ abusers and with heterosexual women who use force. We will examine how individual counseling is sometimes necessary with special population groups and how to discuss specific issues of homophobia, internalized homophobia, racism, classism, and other important individual and societal factors.
Faculty: Ted German and Susan Cayouette
- Emerge Website
- Presentation handout
7:00 pm Hip Hop Artist/ U.S. Music Ambassador
Description: Mahogany Jones is a lyrical force, hailed internationally for her work, as a recording and performance artist, arts advocate, community activist and educator, and is dedicated to the healing and empowerment of women.
Faculty: Mahogany Jones
BISC-MI Private Viewing of the movie Mourning Son
Description: Dave Navarro is a trauma survivor of the highest order. When Dave was only 15 years old his mother was brutally murdered by her estranged ex-boyfriend. For 8 long years Dave’s mother’s killer eluded capture while Dave dealt with his deepest, darkest fears through drugs, art and escapism. In a heartbreaking, inspirational journey, Dave confronts the events that changed his life forever. Through revelations from friends and family, to the cold hard facts from police and FBI agents, Dave attempts to come to terms with his mother’s senseless murder and the horrific realities of domestic violence.
Faculty: Movie (1 hour 47 minutes)
Friday, November 4, 2016
8:30 am Title: Real Change, Real Challenges: Moving Forward Through the Backlash
Description: Accountable, responsible, effective social change requires continuous, critical internal and external analysis. It also requires the ability to counter and move through the predictable backlash from those who oppose the shift in power and privilege being advance. This session will present, analyze and clarify recent BIP field research. Particular focus will be given to how survivor safety-centered, social change-focus BIPs can apply research to better articulate their approach, demonstrate their efficacy, and communicate their contributions to their communities.
Faculty: Rene Renick, Dr. Edward W. Gondolf
Award Given to Dr. Edward W. Gondolf
Momentum to
Abuse of
Awarded to: Dr. Edward W. Gondolf
November 4, 2016
Recognizing and honoring those who have significantly guided and expanded efforts to protect survivors through advancing and evaluating accountable perpetrator intervention research and programming.
- The Future of Batterer Programs Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice
- Gender-Based Perspectives on Batterer Programs: Program Leaders on History, Approach, Research, and Development
- PowerPoint Presentation slides
9:30 am 10:30 am The Aquila Truth Squad
Description: The truth squad comes to the conference to introduce and demonstrate tools that programs, advocates and others can use in their communities to answer questions and challenges about research, effectiveness, community coordination and gender considerations. A link to all materials introduced will be provided.
Faculty Squadron: Chris Hall, Chris Huffine, Ted German, Jeffrie Cape, Scott Miller, Bob Agnoli, Pam Wiseman, and Lisa Nitsch
- AQUILA Resources Website
- Slide presentation
- Presentation handout
- effectiveness-of-bips-halley
- dv-offender-classification-aic
- ts-judges-faq
- ts-aip-v-bip
- mankowski-response-to-wsipp-bip-meta-analysis
- gondolf-points-for-wa-meta-analysis
- gondolf-evidence-on-batterer-program-effectiveness-2-22-12
- ts-judges-faqts-aip-v-bip
- nitsch-participant-feedback-form
- nitsch-comm-not-look-like-you-ppt-presentation
- mankowski-response-to-wsipp-bip-meta-analysisgondolf-points-for-wa-meta-analysis
- gondolf-evidence-on-batterer-program-effectiveness-2-22-12
- effectiveness-of-bips-halley
- dv-offender-classification-aic
- gondolf-practitioner-perspective-bisc-mi-11-2016
1:00 pm Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice Evidence: Findings from a National Survey of Batterer Intervention Program Standards Implementation
Description: This session will describe findings from a national interview study of individuals who administer standards that regulate BIP practices in jurisdictions across the United States. It will explore how program standards were developed have changed over time; who implements standards; whether or not programs are monitored for adherence to the standards; the consequences of non-compliance; barriers programs encounter in attempting to adhere to the standards; and what role research can and should play in the evolving nature of policies that regulate BIP practices.
Faculty: Eric Mankowski
- https://www.pdx.edu/psy/eric-mankowski-phd-professor-applied-social-community-psychology-and-psychology-associate-chair
- http://www.doj.state.or.us/victims/bip_advisory_committee.shtml
- http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10464-014-9637-3#/page-1
- http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/vav/2014/00000029/00000004/art00005
- Mankowski Presentation
2:00 pm Allies in Change: An Integrative Model of Working with Abusive Partners.
Description: This session will provide a brief overview of the Allies in Change model and curriculum which has been “cooking” for over thirty years, been used with thousands of abusive individuals, and been reviewed and utilized by dozens of group facilitators over that time.
Faculty: Dr. Chris Huffine
- Allies In Change Website
- Allies In Change Curriculum Model
- Allies model BISC-MI hand out version
- Allies In Change Model of Abuse Intervention
- Allies In Change Curriculum Handout
- Allies In Change Curriculum Explanation
3:15 pm Connecting America’s Mass Shooting and Domestic Violence
Description: When a shooter opens fire in public, indiscriminately killing strangers, it almost always makes national news. But, the reality is that most mass shooters in America aren’t firing at random: They are targeting their families. In this session, The Huffington Post senior reporter Melissa Jeltsen will explore the connection between mass shootings and domestic violence, and what can be done to prevent the.
Faculty: Melissa Jeltsen
We’re Missing The Big Picture On Mass Shootings
It’s Time To Recognize What Many Mass Murderers Share In Common
This Is Not A Love Story: Examining A Month Of Deadly Domestic Violence In America
Should Domestic Violence Victims Go To Prison For Killing Their Abusers?
Why Didn’t You Just Leave? Six Domestic Violence Survivors Explain Why It’s Never That Simple
This Woman Is On Trial For Killing A Man She Says Tried To Kill Her
It’s Time We Listen When Women Say Their Boyfriends Are Dangerous
This Is How A Domestic Violence Victim Falls Through The Cracks
Conference Sponsoring Organizations
Disclaimer: Any opinion, findings, recommendations or conclusions, expressed by any author(s) or speaker(s)
do not necessarily reflect the views of BISC-MI.
BISC-MI reserves the right to substitute a qualified instructor or topic due to unforeseen circumstances