Kathy Hagenian

Kathy Hagenian


Kathy Hagenian has served as the Executive Policy Director for the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCEDSV) from 1996-2021.  Ms. Hagenian is widely respected for her leadership in legislative and policy initiatives, expertise in protocol and curriculum development, and service on numerous state-wide and national multi-disciplinary task forces, committees, and boards. She regularly serves as faculty for a broad array of professionals regarding issues of intervention and prevention of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. Her training and policy focus is centered on recognizing and honoring the lived experience of survivors, which includes understanding trauma along with an emphasis on survivors’ strength, resilience, and healing.

Throughout her over 35 years of experience in the movement to end violence against women, Ms. Hagenian has been recognized for her commitment to survivor empowerment and to ensuring that the experiences of survivors and advocates continue to be at the forefront of the work.