JOD Resources



Overview of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration

The Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) Initiative tests the idea that a coordinated community response to domestic violence that ensures a focused judicial response and a systematic criminal justice response can improve victim safety and service provision, as well as increase offender accountability.

During fiscal year 1999, three demonstration sites were competitively selected to participate in a five-year demonstration initiative: City of Boston/Dorchester District Court, MA; Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, MI; and Milwaukee County, WI. Since implementation, each demonstration site has developed multiple governmental and non-governmental partnerships working to address domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Courts: Reducing Pretrial Domestic Violence
A critical issue in domestic violence cases is the risk of continued victimization during the pretrial period. Offenders may violate no-contact orders, further injure victims, or intimidate them.

To minimize these risks, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women and NIJ initiated the Judicial Oversight Demonstration, a field test that asked:

In partnership with a number of court-related partners, judges oversaw all aspects of the case, from hearings to sanctions and treatment programs given to batterers.

Courts in three locations — Dorchester, Mass.; Milwaukee, Wisc.; and Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor), Mich. — participated in the field test.

Participating communities worked to achieve three objectives:

Ove1jodoverviewrview of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration

2joddorchesterDorchester Overview of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration

3jodmilwaukeeMilwaukee Overview of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration

5jodpretrialPretrial Innovations for Domestic Violence Offenders and Victims Lessons From the Judicial Oversight


8jodfindingsandlessonsonimplementationThe Evaluation on the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative: Findings and Lessons on Implementation

9jodculminatingreportThe Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative: Culminating Report on the Evaluation

10jodkeepingcourtsonthecaseJudicial Review Hearings: Keeping Courts on the Case

11jodwitnesstamperingProsecuting Witness Tampering, Bail Jumping and Battering From Behind Bars

12jodrestrainingordersEngaging Respondents in Civil Restraining Order Cases: A New A New Approach to Victim Safety

Milwaukee_reportA Study of Victims’ Perceptions of Safety and Well-Being Related to the Pretrial Monitoring and Domestic Violence Liaison Programs