November 10, 2020 through December 16, 2020
Vimeo Recordings On Demand are now here!
Cost: $10.00 per session
Click here to see the 9 series segments
*available for 1 week streaming period if renting the full series*
See below for information on individual sessions
There is a flat fee (for 1 or all 9 recorded sessions) of $90.00
Session 1: David Mandel:
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Topic: Perpetrators as Parents: How setting high expectations for men as fathers helps men, women and children
Description: Cultural double standards for men and women as parents harm men, women and children. When domestic violence is involved, perpetrators can gain significant benefits in courts and other systems that ignore the relationship between his choices and negative outcomes for child and family functioning. In this workshop, David will discuss how to examine the impact of gendered parenting expectations on programs and community collaboration and how setting higher expectations for men as a parents can improve outcomes for families. David will also explore how a considering perpetrators as a parents will widen the conversation about perpetrator accountability beyond criminal justice interventions and moving toward greater racial equity. This webinar will also consider implications of this approach for family court, batterer intervention programs, advocacy, child welfare, and criminal courts.
- Unsure whether the domestic abuse perpetrator has changed? What to look for? The questions to ask?
- Read this white paper on measuring real change in perpetrators.
- Want to engage with fathers but not sure how? Get anxious about speaking to domestic abuse perpetrators?
- Take our online course on how to better engage fathers, including domestic violence perpetrators
- Want practice changes to be supported by your supervisors, managers and leadership? Longing for real and sustainable system change?
- Check out our online course for supervisors and managers
- Tired of reading reports around domestic abuse that don’t tell you what you need to know? Frustrated by victim blaming language and meaningless jargon?
- Take one of our CORE training, online, directly from the Safe & Together Institute or with one of our Partner Agencies
- Visit our website for links to our conferences, Trainer Certification Program, podcast and blog
- Our COVID-19 specific resources
- Take course free and paid courses on our Virtual Academy including our discounted CORE and Supervisors and Managers package
- Learn about the evidence on the Model
- Download our free resources like our “Family and Friends Ally Guide” and our “Choose to Change” Campaign for working with men
- Read articles and papers by David Mandel about the Model
Session 2: Alyce LaViolette:
Thursday, November 12, 2020
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Topic: Is It Anger or Abuse?
Description: This presentation will cover the differences between anger, separation-specific aggression and domestic violence. Different types of abusive behavior and the perpetrators of this behavior will be discussed. Factors that can exacerbate and mediate domestic violence will also be explained. The workshop will be interactive and will include an experiential exercise.
Continuum of Aggression and Abuse
Beyond the Axis of Evil Abuse and Aggression
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 3: Chris Huffine:
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST
Topic: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Practices in Battering Intervention Programs
Description: This workshop is intended to offer some specific tools and concepts that any program working with those who have perpetrated intimate partner violence can incorporate to enhance their core work to promote safety, accountability, and non-abusive behavior. First, the concept of Trauma Informed Care will be reviewed and key principles and methods of evaluating and implementing trauma informed care will be discussed. Second, some of the distinct needs of abusive partners who are also trauma survivors will be identified and suggestions for how to modify programming to be responsive to them will be offered. Included in this will be a description of a specialized group for abusive partners who are trauma survivors that has been successfully offered for over a decade at Allies in Change. This model is consistent with the responsivity piece of the risk/needs/responsivity model that is becoming common in forensic programming.
Chris Huffine’s PowerPoint Presentation:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 4: Lisa Nitsch:
Thursday, November 19, 2020
1:00pm – 3:00 pm EST
Topic: Cultural Considerations in Providing BIP Services
Description: Culture plays a significant role in how those who abuse receive messages and develop beliefs that reinforce their violence, as well as, how they engage in a change process. The critical cultural elements that impact learning and change can include a variety of things, such as age, race, literacy level, and historical context. Audience members will review and be provided with tools for engaging their community’s voice in program design, getting participant feedback and identifying the role and influence of power both outside and within the group room.
BISCMI 2020 – Cultural Considerations:
Participant Feedback Form:
M Frye – Oppression:
K Crenshaw – Demarginalizing the Intersection:
HRM Beliefs Worksheet:
Final AIP Report – Research Study 2016:
Final AIP Effectiveness report_ 8 24 2018:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 5: Oliver Williams:
Monday, November 23, 2020
1:00pm – 3:00 pm EST
Topic: Enriching BIP’s to Work with African American men that Batter
Description: With in the last several months’, violence toward African American men has been an issue of interest to some people across the country and the world. Some look at the violence done to African American men and note the inhumanity experienced by this group. Others with in the field of IPV consider how such actions toward this group influence what could occur in BIP’s. In this presentation, the speaker will examine the history of injustice toward African American men and how it can shape participation among such men how one can engage such men that batter with in the groups. Recommendations may enrich BIP’s.
PowerPoint Presentation:
Website resources from Dr. Oliver Williams:
Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community:
The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 6: Nicole Westmarland & Rosanna Bellini:
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Topic: Research on Battering Intervention programmes during Covid-19: A comparison between the USA, UK, and Australia
Description: In this session we will provide an overview of interviews with programme staff in the USA, UK and Australia in terms of the different approaches taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Comparisons will be drawn both between and within the countries. Participants will be asked to reflect in the session about which aspects, if any, of digital delivery they plan to retain and take forward into (hopefully) non Covid-19 times.
Westmarland and Bellini PowerPoint presentation:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 7: Lee Giordono & Spencer Murray:
Friday, December 4, 2020
11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Topic: Deconstructing Male Violence Against Women: MSV’s Community Accountability Model
Description: The MSV Community Accountability Model of male violence against women offers a view of the cultural and historical mechanisms that support violence against women. The model, and the strategies and programs that have grown out of it, demonstrate the potential for disrupting traditions of abuse and dominance at the individual, familial, local, national, and global levels. In this workshop, Men Stopping Violence will share its Community Accountability Model and discuss applications for engaging communities in the prevention of violence against women and girls.
Lee Giordono & Spencer Murray PowerPoint Presentation:
Men Stopping Violence Core Principles:
Men Stopping Violence website:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 8: Lisa Young Larance:
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Topic: Women’s Use of Force
Description: This session will provide an overview of the complexity of understanding and addressing women’s use of force in their intimate heterosexual relationships. Topics will include context, language, assessment, and intervention.
In Her Own Words: Women Describe Their Use of Force Resulting in Court-Ordered Intervention:
Understanding and Addressing Women’s Use of Force in Intimate Relationships: A Retrospective:
Facilitating Change: A Process of Renewal for Women Who Have Used Force in Their Intimate Heterosexual Relationships:
Serving Women Who Use Force in Their Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: An Extended View:
Session 9: Chris Hall:
Friday December 11, 2020
11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Topic: Information on Validity Within Research: A Review of The Conflict Tactics Scale
Description: This discussion will involve an introduction to validity in research as it applies to intimate partner violence research, an exploration of dynamics of response processes as a component of validity evidence, and how the Conflict Tactics Scales fits within the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, and where the instrument has been challenged and continues to have threats to validity as a significant part of its use within IPV research.
Chris Hall Presentation Material:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 10: Eric Mankowski:
Monday, December 14, 2020
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Topic: How battering intervention programs work: What we know about the process of change
Description: Eric will present a review of the research on the processes and inhibitors of change within battering intervention programs, drawing from diverse perspectives and sources of evidence including survivors, abusive partners, and program facilitators. The implications for program design, implementation, and evaluation will be explored.
Eric Mankowski Presentation Material:
Battering Intervention Program Proximal Goals Measurement:
BIPPOS Spanish:
Building and Using a Logic Model in a BIP:
Participant and facilitator accounts of processes of change:
Scoring BIPPOS Items:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Session 11: Jeffrie Cape:
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Topic: Inside the room: strategies and concepts for group engagement
Description: This session goes inside the battering intervention room and explores specific exercises from the HEAL/ADA programs and delves into facilitation strategies and tools that can be incorporated into many program models. Use of stories, analogies, motivational interactions are some of the concepts that will be shared.
Jeffrie Cape Presentation Material:
Abuse Myths Worksheet:
Document created during the breakout groups:
Video Recording (Cost: $10.00 available for 48 hour streaming period)
Information on Come Together Faculty: