- Improving the Sentencing of Domestic Violence Offenders in Maine: a Proposal to Prohibit Anger Management Therapy By Molly Butler Bailey, Attorney at Law Maine Bar Journal Summer 2006 (at pdf pg. 26)
- Click here for a pdf. copy of the Proposal to Prohibit Anger Management Therapy By Molly Butler Bailey, Attorney at Law Maine Bar Journal Summer 2006 article only
- Agenda for the 5th Annual Fall Training
- Conceptual Clarity:The difference between moral and strategic behavior in understanding the perpetrator of domestic violence.
- Controversies and Recent Studies of Batterer Intervention Program Effectiveness; Larry Bennett, Ph.D University of Illinois at Chicago, Jane Addams College of Social Work and Oliver Williams, Ph.D. University of Minnesota, School of Social Work
- Batterer Intervention Systems: Issues, Outcomes and Recommendations (Chapter 9 – Conclusion: The System Matters)
- Violence Against Women: Synthesis of Research on Offender Interventions: Daniel G. Saunders and Richard Hammil June 2003
- Batterer Intervention Programs: Where Do We Go From Here?: National Institute of Justice
- Abusers Why Do Abusers Batter (Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence)
- EDVP in the greater Seattle area: Treatment for Abusers
- Limits and risks of “programs for wife batterers: Copyright © 1995 Montreal Men Against Sexism
- Making Appropriate Referrals for Batterers: How Do You Know What Works?
- Research on Batterer Intervention Programs; “Can people who batter change?”
- For the sake of children”, an article by Radford, Hester, Humphries & Woodfield, research into batterers interaction with their children
What’s The Difference Between Anger Management And Certified Batterer Intervention Programs? The Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Is anger management a remedy for batterers? A federal ban on using domestic violence grants to fund the programs raises some questions
Anger Management May Not Help At All (November 2004) - Policy Statement On Couples Counseling & Anger Management In Domestic Violence Cases
- What is Batterer’s Intervention?
- Programs for Batterers Changing Their Focus
- Anger Management Links
(Please note: The presence of these links is not an indication of endorsement)Anger Management dot com - Anger Tool Kit
- Anger On Line dot com
- Controlling the Volcano
- Anger Management Techniques
- Get Your ANGRIES Out And Those Mads, Bads and Grumpies…
- Controlling Anger — Before It Controls You: The American Psychological Association
- OnLine Class: Anger Management
- NPR The Anger Management Industry, then go to Listen to All Things Considered audio