Contextual Research Regarding Women’s Use Of Force
- A Framework for Understanding Women’s Use of Nonlethal Violence in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships, Shamita Das Dasgupta
- Re-Examining ‘Battering’: Are All Acts of Violence Against Intimate Partners the Same?, Ellen Pence Shamita Das Dasgupta
- Treating Female Perpetrators: State Standards for Batterer Intervention Services, Poco Kernsmith and Roger Kernsmith
- Commentary on Wilson, Woods, Emerson, and Donenberg: The Necessity for Practitioner Vigilance in Assessing the Full-Context of an Individual’s Life Experiences, Lisa Young Larance
- A Practitioner’s Response to: “Addressing Violence by Female Partners Is Vital to Prevent or Stop Violence Against Women: Evidence From the Multisite Batterer Intervention Evaluation,” by Lisa Young Larance, Violence Against Women, 20, 889-899
- Serving Women Who Use Force in Their Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: An Extended View, Lisa Young Larance
- Physical Tactics of Female Partners Against Male Batterer Program Participants, Edward W. Gondolf
- Women’s Use of Force: Complexities and Challenges of Taking the Issue Seriously, Nancy Worcester
- Theorizing Public Housing Woman Abuse as a Function of Economic Exclusion and Male Peer Support, Walter S. DeKeseredy & Martin D. Schwartz
- “They Arrested Me—And I Was the Victim”: Women’s Experiences With Getting Arrested in the Context of Domestic Violence, Melissa E. Dichter
- When Is a Battered Woman Not a Battered Woman? When She Fights Back, Leigh Goodmark
- When Women Use Force, Erin H. House
- Resource list on Women Who Use Force
- Larance article on Women Who Use Force
- When She Hits Him: PAAM Winter 2007 article
- Male Victims NO–Belknap
- Are Physical Assaults by Wives and Girlfriends a Major Social Problem? Violence by women–Saunders
- Problems with applying “mutual combat” to batterer program participants Problems with mutual combat
- Some Of The Many Articles Countering The Claims That Women Are As Violent As Men, WUOF_Article_List
- Neuroscience and Batterers–EF-Court Review
- Response to Straus–VAW-Gondolf-2014
- Women’s Tactics-Violence Against Women-2012-Gondolf-1027-44
Stories of Research to Reality: Claire M. Renzetti
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