The AQUILA Working Group is dedicated to providing accurate, evidence-based information about battering intervention programs and their impact on those who batter.
We are committed to enhancing dialogue and public awareness about these programs and about the potential for change for many who have a history of domestic violence.
Aquila Resource Pages
If you would like to be added to the Aquila listserv,
please contact David J. H. Garvin, BISC-MI Chair:
We support and promote program practices that:
- Center on the safety and well-being of adult victims/survivors of intimate partner violence and children.
- Promote responsibility and safe, nurturing relationships for men who have a history of domestic violence.
- Encourage multi-institutional, community and family capacity to hold men who batter accountable for their conduct and encourage them to change.
- Acknowledge that many men who attend battering intervention programs face multiple obstacles to long-term change (such as poverty, exposure to trauma, racism, addiction and disproportional impact of our systems), and promote holistic services to help men deal with issues that destabilize the change process.
“The Conceptual Clarity Project”
September 18, 2014
Ted German, Katya Fels-Smyth, Anne Menard, Bea Cote, Carol Hackett-Garagolia, Chris Huffine, David Adams, David J.H. Garvin, Graham Barnes, Jacquelyn Boggess,
Jeffrie K. Cape, John Beams, Lee Giordano, Lisa Young Larance, Oliver Williams, Pam Wiseman, Robert Agnoli, Sara Barber, Scott Miller, Susan Cayouette
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts
The Full Picture of Research on Battering Intervention Programs
Evidence of a Positive Effect of battering intervention programs:
- Findings of UK multi-site study – Project Mirabal
- Evaluating batterer counseling programs: A difficult task showing some effects and implications, Evaluating_Batterer_Programs–CDC_summary-fin
- To BIP, or not to BIP?, Moyer_paper
- Countering Confusion About The Duluth Model (Paymar & Barnes)
- Attorney General’s & Lt. Governor’s, Family Violence Council, SUBJECT: Position on Effectiveness of Abuser Intervention Programs effectiveness_pospaper_cover
COLLABORATIVE, Position on Effectiveness of Abuser Intervention Programs (March 2002), Nitsch_effectiveness_final: That organization is now known as MAIC (Maryland Abuser Intervention Collaborative). Dr. Chris Murphy, from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, is the research co-chair & Lisa Nitsch Practitioner. - Link for Judicial Monitorning Audioconference (no longer available: Featuring Dr. Michael Rembel, Judge Carl Ashley Milwaukee, WI, Judge Libby Hines Ann Arbor, MI. Hosted by Barbara Hart.
- Does Judicial Monitoring Deter Domestic Violence Recidivism? Rempel_audioconference_monitoring
- Contributions of Batterer Programs
- Quotes on Batterer Program Evaluations
- Batterer Program Evaluations Using a Systems Perspective and showing an impact of batterer programs in context
- Gamache, D., Edleson, J., & Schock, M. (1988). Coordinated police, judicial and social service response to woman battering: A multi-baseline evaluation across three communities. In G. Hotaling, D. Finkelhor, J. Kirkpatrick, & M. Straus (Eds.), Coping with family violence: Research and policy perspectives (pp. 193-209). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
- Murphy, C., Musser, P., & Maton, K. (1998). Coordinated community intervention for domestic abusers. Journal of Family Violence, 13, 263-285.
- Bennett, L., Stoops, C., Call, C., & Flett, H. (2007). Program completion and re-arrest in a batterer intervention system. Research on Social Work Practice, 17, 42-54.
- Bouffard, J., & Muftic, L. (2007). An examination of the outcomes of various components of a coordinated community response to domestic violence by male offenders. Journal of Family Violence, 22, 353-366.
- Bledsoe, L., Bibhuti, S., & Barbee, A. (2006). Impact of coordinated response to intimate partner violence on offender accountability. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 13, 109-129.
- Visher, C., Newmark, L., & Harrell, A. (2006). Final report on the evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration, Volume 2: Findings and Lessons on Implementation. Washington, DC:
Urban Institute. - Macleod, D., Pi, R., Smith, D., & Rose-Goodwin, L. (2008). Evaluation of California Batterer Intervention Systems. Final report to the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC.
- Gondolf, E. (2002). Batterer Intervention Systems: Issues, Outcomes, and Recommendations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- The response of Judge Carl Ashley and Judge Libby Hines to Mike Rempel/CCI’s Bronx Study on Judicial Monitoring. A Conference Call facilitated by Barbara Hart J.D.
- Go to: (no longer available)
- And you can find more information at the dropsite: (no longer available)
- Be sure to use the password bwjp (case sensitive)
- Go to: (no longer available)
- Solutions to the Research-Practice Gap in Domestic Violence: A Modified Delphi Study with Domestic Violence Coalition Leaders Summary of Findings, Solutions_Research-Practice
- Can domestic abusers be rehabilitated?
Articles and Research:
- An Ecological Analysis of Batterer Intervention Program Standards, by Rich Tolman
- National Journal – Domestic Politics 4-5-08.pdf
- Gondolf letter to Michael Rempel, Research Director, Center for Court Innovation: BIP_effectiveness_to_Rempel
- Gondolf_Response_Couples_Counseling_Study
- Gondolf_Reply_to_Dutton_on_Duluth_Model-1
- Dutton_book_review-VAW–Dekeseredy
- Dutton_CJS_Book_Review_CJS–Dekeseredy
- Review_of_the_Abusive_Personality_by_Chris_Murphey
- Mills Bk reviewed-Coker.pdf
- Mills_Bk_reviewed-Coker
- Mills_Bk_reviewed-Stark
- review_of_Mills–Dekeseredy
- Weak evidence for BIP alterantives–Gondolf-AVB-2011
- Response to John Hamel
- Research Evidence on Batterer Program Effectiveness-GA –Revised 2-22-12
- Points for WA meta-analysis
- Gondolf-EBP paper for Emerging Trends-2-ss 1
- Gondolf Reply to Dutton on Duluth Model-1
- Gondolf Book Ad-rv
- Evidence Based Strategies for working with Offenders-Rampel-CCI-2014
- Evaluating Batterer Programs–CDC summary
- Batterer Intervention: Doing the Work and Measuring the Progress (PDF – 1935 KB)
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Describes findings from a 2009 roundtable meeting of batterer intervention experts, summarizes the key themes that emerged from the discussions, and recommends next steps for the field of batterer intervention.
- On-Line Resources for Judges to Improve Battering Intervention Response
- National Institute of Justice–Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part III: Judges
- Vera Institute–Enhancing Responses to Domestic Violence : Promising Practices From the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative
- American Judges Association: Domestic Violence & The Courtroom
- American Judges Association: Education Announcement (click the picture below)
American Judges Association: Effective Adjudication of Domestic Abuse Cases