Individual Membership (Voting):
1. Pay non-refundable dues of $75.00 per year. The year is January 1 through December 31.
2. Accept and agree to further the Mission and Goals of BISC-MI.
3. Must file a completed Membership application with the chair of the Membership Committee.
4. Receive the right to vote at general membership meetings.
5. May attend BISC-MI Board meetings, regional BISC-MI meetings, and participate in BISC-MI Committees.
6. Receive discounts on BISC-MI’s conferences and trainings.
Get Individual Membership 2025
Organizational Membership (Non-Voting):
1. Pay non-refundable dues of $120.00 per year. The year is January 1 through December 31.
2. Dues are waived for Michigan Domestic Violence Survivor’s Services Organization (DVSSO) to encourage them to participate in BISC-MI. A DVSSO is defined as “a Michigan organization whose only purpose is providing survivor/victim services and who does not have a battering intervention program.” Membership is renewed annually via written communication.
3. Organization accepts and agrees to further the Mission and Goals of BISC-MI.
4. An organization may send any number of affiliated staff to BISC-MI’s conferences and fall trainings at membership discount.
Get Organizational Membership 2025
Looking for Battering Intervention Provider Standards Compliance Council (BIPSCC) Certification instead?
BISC-MI Membership and BIPSCC Certification are independent from each other.
Not all BISC-MI Members have BIPSCC Certification and vice versa.
BIPSCC Certification has a separate application and fee.