2023 Conference

27th Annual BISC-MI Conference

Dates: November 7, 8, 9, 2023

The Complexity of Change:
Inspiring Transformational Change in Our Participants, Programs, Selves, and Communities

AT THE KENSINGTON HOTEL – Ann Arbor, Michigan!

Conference description: Battering Intervention Programs (BIPs) cannot focus solely on fostering change in our program participants. To be effective we also need to take part in programming and community work that encourages change processes in ourselves, our programs, and within our communities. This conference will provide conference participants with opportunities to engage in discussions about how to facilitate inspirational transformations at multiple levels.

Cost: The fee for attending this conference in-person versus virtually is the same because those attending in-person will have meals and snacks or dessert provided at evening networking events, and those attending virtually will be paying for the additional technological fees associated with making this conference possible to attend virtually.

Membership Fee Reduction: There is a reduced fee for in-person or virtual attendees who are BISC-MI members. For more information about membership, go to: https://www.biscmi.org/about/get-membership/


The Office on Violence Against Women has once again approved our request to invite OVW grantees to attend The Battering Intervention Services Coalition of Michigan (BISC-MI) 2022 Conference to be held November 7, 8, 9, 2023.

OVW has conditionally approved grantees from JFF, Rural, State Coalition, and the STOP programs to attend this conference.  Grantees must submit a Grant Award Modification (GAM) requesting approval to use their OVW travel funds to attend this conference. A GAM must be completed before grantees commit or expend any funds related to attending this conference.

The reference number for this conference is OVW-2023-MU-044.  This number must be used by grantees when requesting approval to attend the conference. This approval and assigned reference number is for this conference only.

Registration is now live!

Three Day Registration By October 10, 2023:
Member Early Bird (In person or virtual): $350.00
Non-Member Early Bird (In person or virtual): $450.00

Three Day Registration After October 10, 2023:
Member(In person or virtual): $450.00
Non-Member (In person or virtual): $550.00

Daily Registration (for Virtual Attendees only):
Member $150.00
Non-Member $195.00

Click here if you require a W9 from BISC-MI

Student Reduced Rate Available
(See Student Rate Info Below)

In person attendees must attend all three days.
In-person registration includes two meals, snacks, and an opportunity to attend evening events.
Virtual registration covers additional technology expenses.

Virtual attendees have the option of attending all or part of this conference.

This conference will be only be offered live with participation online or in person  (The conference will not be recorded)

This course is approved by the Michigan Social Work
Continuing Education Collaborative
Course Approval: #082823-01
Up to 20.5 Michigan Social Work CE Hours

Fee for Michigan-approved Social Work CEs:
$50.00 for all three days,
For those covered by Michigan NASW CE’s Up to 20.5 BIP CEs for in person: 17.5 CEs for virtual attendance – Other states are dependent on reciprocity with Michigan


Student Rate offered for Virtual or In-Person Conference

Students interested in a low-cost conference:

BISC-MI is offering student scholarships and seeking applications available to
undergraduate and graduate students, for our 2023 hybrid conference.

Students whose applications are accepted can attend virtually or in-person for $25.00 per day,
with the choice of attending one, two, or three of the days.

Note for students attending in-person:  The $25.00 daily fee covers meals and conference registration.
Lodging costs are not included at or near the Kensington Hotel in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

To fill out an application to apply for the student rate, click: https://forms.gle/Xdx5R8V7cSRzQExL8


Make lodging reservations early with THE KENSINGTON HOTEL – ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN!

NOTE: Lodging reservations is a separate process from conference registration



The Kensington Hotel – Ann Arbor offers BISC-MI guests a reduced rate of $109.00/night for single and double occupancy, plus applicable taxes. If you are state of Michigan tax exempt, be sure present appropriate documentation at hotel check in.

The deadline for making reservations is Monday, October 9, 2023 but the conference block may easily fill sooner and rooms may no longer be available at the reduced rate. After this cut-off date, reservations may be accepted at the group rate on a space available, rate available basis. If the Kensington Hotel block fills, BISC-MI will share information for alternate partner hotels in the area, but reduced rate offers are not guaranteed. Group room rate is offered the nights of Monday November 6, 2023 through Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 (checking out Thursday November 9, 2023).

Please make note of the hotel cancellation policy when making your reservations, and remember to make any reservation changes according to the policy. BISC-MI is not responsible for any fees incurred for personal hotel reservations during the conference.

Hotel check-in time is 4:00 pm; check-out is 11:00 am

To make hotel lodging reservations online:

Please note: some features and information display differently across various mobile and desktop devices.
Please contact the hotel with questions or issues about the online reservation process.


Address:  3500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 866.315.7075
Email: ask@kcourtaa.com

Easy Parking!
Ample, free self-parking is available at the Kensington Hotel Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Note: Conference is Eastern Time (ET)
Pre-Conference: Monday, November 6, 2023

8:00 pm-9:30 pm ET Conference Check-In: At the registration area near the Grand Ballroom in Kensington hotel in Ann Arbor.

Day One: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

8:30 am – 9:30 am ET Registration and Continental Breakfast Provided

9:30 am – 10:00 am ET Welcome: Welcome to the BISC-MI 27th Annual Conference

10:00-10:30 am ET The Complexity of Change

Description:  How do we understand and incorporate into practice the multiple, complex factors involved in facilitating change in our work with individuals, organizations, and communities?
Faculty: Pam Wiseman

10:30 am – 12:00 pm ET The Challenges and Facilitators Working with Men Who Cause Harm: Lessons Learned From Over A Decade Of Research With Battering Intervention Programs
Faculty: Penelope Morrison
Description: This session will broadly explore some of the difficulties and barriers to working with men who cause harm in their relationships. It will also present some ‘elements of good practice’ for engaging BIP clients in behavioral change. It will conclude by identifying gaps in the current research of BIP processes and suggest pathways for improving our understanding of what ‘works’.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET Lunch Buffet Provided (Door Prizes)

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET From Inside the Room: Facilitators’ Perspectives on Participant Change
Panel Description: Incorporating research and practice wisdom, experienced BIP facilitators discuss their practices and observations on the complexity of promoting and evaluating authentic, meaningful change. 

Panel Moderator: Jeffrie Cape
Faculty: Joe Barksdale, Shelby Frink, Darald Hanusa, Tony Lapp, Alyce LaViolette, Penelope Morrison

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm ET Break

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm ET Let’s Keep Talking! Small Group Discussion On The Participant Change Process
Break-out Description: This will be an opportunity to continue the panel conversation. Conference participants will meet in small, facilitated groups to share their questions, perspectives, expertise, and wisdom with each other.

Hosted discussion: Faculty and Board members

3:45 pm – 5:15 pm ET Working With Challenging Participants: Techniques for Managing Some Of The Most Challenging Participants
Panel Description: Experienced BIP facilitators discuss the range of challenges that participants may bring into the room and strategies for addressing and engaging them.

Panel Moderator: Chris Huffine
Faculty: Jeffrie Cape, Bea Coté, Angelique Green-Manning, Darald Hanusa, Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell

5:15 pm – 7:30 pm ET Dinner on your own

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm ET Tool Time: Come One, Come All!
Description: In-person conference attendees are encouraged to share and give brief presentations on 1-3 creative and/or innovative techniques or concepts they use in their group work.

Total Number of CEs for Day One: 7.5 CEs

Day Two: Wednesday, November 8, 2023

8:30 am – 9:30 am ET Registration and Continental Breakfast Provided

9:30 am – 10:00 am ET Welcome: Merkeb Yohannes, Deputy Director Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

10:00 am – 10:30 am ET National Peer Support and Networking Opportunities
Description: Learn about a number of ongoing free opportunities to connect with and learn from colleagues from all over the country. National Level Involvement Opportunities and Updates: NBIPP, BISC-MI Friday Call, Aquila, FPI Trauma informed BIP, WWUF,  BIP Network,  BWJP, National CCR Peer Network

Moderator: David Garvin
Faculty: Jeffrie Cape, Dorthy Halley, Chris Huffine, Maia Lunde Cockerham,  Melissa Scaia, Melissa Silver

10:30 am – 11:30 am ET Tribal Community Focus
Description: This session will explore the impact of historical trauma on Native populations. It will also discuss how tribal culture and traditions can be honored when providing battering intervention services with individuals who identify as Native American (whether enrolled or not enrolled as tribal members). Some tribal-specific battering intervention services and practices will be shared. Finally, attention will be given to coordinating responses, both tribal-specific efforts as well as tribal and non-tribal collaborations.

Faculty: Lori Jump

11:30-11:45 am ET Break  

11:45 am – 1:15 pm ET Being The Change We Are Seeking: Modeling Our Program Values and Principles In Our Program Structure, Group Structure, and Facilitation Style
Panel Description: Experienced BIP facilitators discuss examples of structures, strategies, and implementation for embodying the underlying values and philosophy of the program.

Panel Moderator: Jeffrie Cape
Faculty: Bea Coté, Angelique Green Manning, Tony Lapp, Tim Logan, Penelope Morrison 

1:15 pm – 2:15 pm ET Lunch Buffet Provided (Door Prizes)

2:15 pm – 2:30 pm ET Compass Award
Awards given to Melissa Scaia and Lisa Young Larance for their work to raise awareness, develop curricula, and conduct research regarding the complexity of addressing the needs of women who use force.

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET Gender and Context Matter: Women’s Use of Force
Description: Experienced BIP facilitators discuss considerations when developing and implementing programming for women who use force

Panel Moderator: Holly Rosen
Faculty: Shamita Das Dasgupta, Maia Lunde Cockerham, Melissa Scaia, Lisa Young Larance

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm ET Break

3:45 pm – 4:45 pm ET Staying True to Self While Weathering the Storms: Accessing Protective Factors in Trauma-Filled Work
Description: In this workshop, the personal and professional impacts of working in the domestic violence field with those who do harm, and the burdens we often carry, will be examined. How can we take care of ourselves when lives hang in the balance, someone we worked with does a horrific act, or when crippling external forces seem indifferent and impenetrable? Some protective factors that are critical to keep in mind while dark clouds are looming will be examined.

Faculty: Dorthy Stucky Halley

4:45 pm – 5:45 pm ET Let’s Keep Talking! How Has Doing This Work Challenged and Changed Us?
Break-out Description: This will be an opportunity to continue the panel conversation. Conference participants will meet in small, facilitated groups to share their questions, perspectives, expertise, and wisdom with each other.

Hosted discussion: Faculty and Board members

5:45 pm – 7:30 pm ET Dinner on your own

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm ET  Common Ground and Interesting Differences: Sharing and Learning From Others How To Address Challenges In Doing BIP Work  
Description: In-person attendees are encouraged to share the distinct ways they address changes in their programs.

Total Number of CEs for Day Two: 7.5 CEs

Day Three: Thursday, November 9, 2023

8:30 am – 9:30 am ET Registration and Continental Breakfast Provided

9:30 am – 10:00 am ET Welcome: Dede Ford, Staff Attorney, Division of Victim Services, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

10:00 am – 11:00 am ET CCR: The Duluth Model with a New Mexican Twist
Description: Have you ever been a part of a coordinated community response  that was stagnant, or worse, fell apart altogether despite best efforts? Learn from the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) community organizers how the Duluth Model can be used to help anchor a CCR that is centered in meaningful systemic change and collaboration beyond training and monthly meetings. Participants will also learn about how the state of New Mexico and NMCADV are prioritizing systems change in a big way.
Faculty: Mica Reagan, Melissa Silver

11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET BISC-MI Champion Award: Debi Cain & Hon. Elizabeth “Libby” Pollard Hines (retired) – In recognition of Community Allies who have supported BISC-MI and our mission, significantly contributed to our organizational growth, and promoted battering intervention programs as part of a coordinated response to end domestic violence.
Coordinating Change: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Description: With over 70 years of combined experience as pioneering leaders in coordinating community response efforts, our BISC-MI Champion awardees will share their philosophical and practical reflections that remain relevant in informing our work today.

Faculty: Debi Cain and Hon. Elizabeth “Libby” Pollard Hines (retired)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET Lunch Buffet Provided (Door Prizes)

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET The Sankofa:  Looking Backward While Moving Forward
Panel Description: Experienced domestic violence activists look back on the inception and evolution of Coordinated Community Response work and identify the lessons we need to remember as we move forward.

Panel Moderator: Melissa Silver
Faculty: Debi Cain, Libby Hines, Lori Jump, Alyce LaViolette, Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell, Melissa Scaia, Oliver Williams

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm ET Break

2:45 pm -3:45 pm ET Let’s Keep Talking! Doing The Macro Work: Going Beyond the Group Room And Your Agency To Facilitate Larger Community Change
Break-out Description: This will be an opportunity to continue the panel conversation. Conference participants will meet in small, facilitated groups to share their questions, perspectives, expertise, and wisdom with each other.

Hosted discussion: Faculty and Board members

3:45 pm – 4:45 pm ET Inspiring Transformational Change
Description: Reflecting on the full conference, this closing session will expand upon and synthesize key concepts to facilitate inspirational transformations at multiple levels in battering intervention work.

Faculty:  Oliver Williams

4:45 pm EST ET CONFERENCE CLOSING:  Raffle for 2 Free Registrations for the 2024 BISC-MI Conference (In-Person and Virtual) Must be present to win!

Total Number of CEs for Day Three: 5.5 CEU’s

Total Number of CEU Hours: Day One: 7.5       Day Two: 7.5       Day Three: 5.5                  Total for Three Days:  20.5

Many Thanks to our Conference Supporters!