2018 Conference Save The Date: click read more

Save the date for the 2018
23rd Annual BISC-MI Conference:
November 14th-16th, 2018


A Groundbreaking International Conference to explore and examine the impact of religion/faith/spirituality on battering intervention practice and programs!

The Battering Intervention Services Coalition of Michigan (BISC-MI) 2018 Annual Conference is entitled, Religion, Faith, Spirituality, Science & Research: Engaging for Safety and Accountability.  Participants will have the opportunity to expand knowledge, perceptions, and experiences. This conference will explore the impact of connecting the field of battering intervention with the often contradictory and complicated issues of religion, faith, spirituality, incorporating principles of science and research.

Engaging faith communities, and developing strategies to address the personal religious/faith/spiritual beliefs, can provide important, meaningful pathways for intervention and change for many who participate in battering intervention programs. Examining the multiple and overlapping contexts regarding the historical impact of a wide range of religious institutions, faith beliefs and spiritual practices is critical to this process. Applying recent research and advances in science to inform practice is an essential component.

Join BISC-MI as we continue the tradition of providing exciting, relevant, and innovative conferences to advance the field of battering intervention!

More information coming soon!